Thursday, March 5, 2020

Creating Heaven on Earth

A long-time client of mine recently sent me a photo showing how she repurposed the glass jar from a candle she purchased last year and is now using it as a planter.  I was delighted by this not only for practical reasons but because it was the purple tinted jar from the 7th Chakra candle.  The 7th Chakra resides at the top of the head and is the gateway to the spirit realm and our relationship to the all-encompassing energy of the universe. 

I love how the roots of my customer’s plant can be seen through the glass.  In recent weeks I’ve been inspired to place crystals relating to the 7th Chakra (i.e., amethyst and selenite) below my clients’ feet to create a pathway for a higher vibration to be anchored or “rooted” into the physical body. 

Three-dimensional existence makes it is easy to forget everything that happens underneath the surface of life to enable the creation process to even begin.  A seed of a dream needs courage to break open and reach into unknown territory.  In the beginning, there is uncertainty and vulnerability before a dream or vision can establish roots.  Along the way there can be tears of both frustration and joy, obstacles to overcome and victories to be celebrated, setbacks that test one’s resolve and momentum to be gained.  My customer’s picture of the roots being revealed was a beautiful reminder of how much unseen activity takes place before a dream or vision can emerge. 

Every sentient being is an interactive channel of life-force energy and thus a co-creator with the universe.  If you have a dream or vision, how you channel the energy flowing through you will determine your satisfaction with the co-creation process no matter the outcome.  Desire, passion, faith in yourself and the universe and curiosity all help with staying the course when meeting challenges along the way. 

Having a dream that excites you is a calling from spirit or your higher self, asking you to create a little more heaven on earth.  Sometimes dreams can manifest in a flash, just as some plants spring up seemingly overnight under the right circumstances.  Other dreams require more time (and patience) in the unseen darkness of the soil before the roots are strong enough to anchor the vision into reality.  Having a support system is important because those callings often mean overcoming both inner and outer obstacles and resistance.  When the negative self-talk and frustration arise, taking ownership of your worthiness enables you to get curious about those challenges instead of letting them take you down.  When a plant encounters a rock in its trajectory of growth, it doesn’t give up and revert into a seed.  Instead it redirects its growth.  If its environmental conditions are challenging, the plant concentrates its resources which often results in deeper color, fragrance or flavor.  The same holds true when it comes to nurturing a dream.  Obstacles aren’t there to stop you, but to help you heal and experience the fullness of your gifts along the way. 

More than ever people worldwide are waking up to the need for restoring harmony to mother earth.  Inventors and scientists are developing new technologies to rebalance nature’s ecosystems.  Whether by choice or necessity, individuals are striking out on their own, taking paths less travelled to become solopreneurs and discovering the gifts they can share to make the world a better place.  There are examples of new leadership that inspire communities to support each other. 

There are many unknowns when the seeds of dreams are planted, yet with each seed there is also a window of opportunity for heaven to anchor its light on earth and promote an ever evolving individual and collective consciousness.  

In what ways do your dreams create a little more heaven on earth?

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