Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Plugging Into Your Power Grid

Since last summer, I’ve been participating in an online course for empathic souls with intuitive life strategist, Robert Ohotto.  In one of his numerous in-depth talks, he introduced the concept of plugging into a power grid of light, much like an electrical grid, and invited us to name the power grids that fuel us in a healthy way.  Encouraging us to commit to the practices that plug us into this energy, he later discussed how the dimension of joy permeates all other dimensions and is available to us even in our darkest moments.  We just need to be present long enough for joy to catch up to us.  I also remember hearing the rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks discussing with the Dalai Lama how joy is something we receive in the moments we are fully present in mind, body, and spirit.

Robert also shared how grief is a part of joy and how we're not taught to look at it this way.  The day before I listened to this talk, I had gone for a walk when a butterfly flew into my face in such a way that I turned my head and noticed a ladybug sitting on a flower.  Just before my stepmother passed away in April, she came to me in a dream and said “Ladybugs will be our thing!  Every time you see one, know that I am with you.”  I cried both tears of joy and grief in that moment as I was reminded that we are all connected even when we’re operating in completely different dimensions. 

All throughout these last 18 months, my walks in the park among the trees have been a way to plug into my own power grid and restore my sense of wholeness on the days I feel anxious or sad, but also on the days I feel happy and at peace.  Either way, it’s about being present so joy can entrain you to a higher vibration and create space for everything to unfold with a sense of grace.

In recent months signs have been hung on the trees throughout the parks that say “It’s okay to hug me.”  I also discovered a tree that hugs me back.  It has a nook in the trunk that’s perfect for a human to lean back into and feel held and supported.  When I do that and look up through the leaves, I can feel the warmth and light of the sun on my face and hear the gentle splashing of the water from the lake behind me – the perfect place to plug into my power grid. 

Several years ago, I wrote a waka poem about a tree.  Waka poems are similar to haiku, but with a slightly different stanza structure. 

The Hugging Tree

Tall shade, rooted in
deep stillness, climbing branches
of dreams, arms hugging
an unmoved trunk, its soul wraps
me in a loving embrace.


Joy isn’t rooted in what we accomplish, have, or do.  It’s rooted in the right here, the right now! 

All you need to do is plug in and allow it to flow wherever it needs to go to light up your life in powerful ways.