Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Receiving Tree

What I love most about this time of year is how there is a golden essence infusing everything in the mid to late afternoon and yet at the same time, the light creates these dramatic shadows.  On days when I can make it to the park, I find myself walking in a meditative state, soaking in this beautiful essence.  It feels like I’m storing it in my body, like the squirrels stashing away their nuts for the winter.

This year, a tree caught my eye as I was noticing the dark, twisty shadows of the different tree trunks and branches.  I was seeing the shadow of what looked like someone standing with their arms open and receiving the light shining down.  I smiled as I looked at the tree’s two beautiful branches that curved wide open like the bottom of a heart, ready to receive all the blessings of the universe.  

I thought to myself that this is the opposite of the tree in Shel Silverstein’s book, The Giving Tree, and so I named her the Receiving Tree.  When you think about how much unconditional nurturing trees offer us, you can’t help but feel loved.  They give us oxygen, support, grounding and shade.  Their core is strong and unaffected by the children and critters who love to climb them or nest in them.  They release their leaves each year to fertilize the earth for new growth.  

Yet, trees also know how to receive.  Their roots grow deep into the soil, creating a whole network for receiving nourishment, water and stability.  They draw in the energy of the sun to support the growth of their leaves.  They know how to provide for themselves so they can give unconditionally to others.

Part of the journey to wholeness is becoming aware of where your energy is flowing at any given moment.  It’s about knowing when you are giving of your energy or discharging it and why, as well as when you are open to receiving.  When there is a balanced flow, there is a sense of grace and appreciation.  Mastery comes with knowing when you need to preserve your energy and when you're being called to expend it.  

Nature is currently preparing to preserve her energy for the winter months.  We see the rustling and hustling to gather up the reserves to get through the darkest and coldest months.  There is both an airiness and a fire to this preparation, a letting go and a gathering.  This has me reflecting on what is not only ready to be shed in my own life, but also on what energy from this year I am carrying with me into the next cycle of growth.

For myself, this means making a list of everything I appreciate about what has taken place, both the blessings and the heartaches.  But it also means becoming clearly aware of where my focus is and learning to differentiate between my desires and my decisions.  Desire is always going to be there, but once you decide, there is a sense of commitment and the universe will start to challenge you to keep that commitment.  Opportunities will flow your way that both honor your decision and challenge you to stay true to your authentic self.  

I’ve come to realize that the concept of manifesting your best life isn’t so much about desire but about clearly knowing what the right next step is for you and deciding it’s now or never.  I already feel the energies of next year stirring the cosmic pot.  More than ever, as we awaken to a higher perspective, we are going to be challenged to make clearer decisions on the direction we’re each headed, the light we are carrying and the energy we are sharing to live in alignment with our values.

The Giving Tree has been a controversial children’s book from the day it was written because of its depiction of a co-dependent relationship between a boy and a female tree.  While I have mixed thoughts about this controversy, each time I walk by my Receiving Tree now, I become more receptive to the inner and outer energy at play.  I connect within to see how much light I am carrying with me that day, how much am I open to receiving and how much am I able to give.