Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Wisdom Found in Resistance


A few weeks ago, I was getting ready to prepare everything that needed to be sent over to my accountant for tax season and was feeling an even greater level of resistance than I have in the past.  Mustering up the energy and focus usually takes time but once I’m in it, I can keep going until I’m done.  This year, however, the distractions took over in a big way – playing with my cat Gracie, scrolling social media or the news, marinating on some creative ideas, bingeing on Netflix, looking up new recipes for the huge batch of radishes that came in my farm share. 

Inner resistance is great at presenting an endless number of distractions. . .

Playing music in the background usually helps me to focus, but I even found myself stopping to look up an artist for a song I heard on Pandora.  Time would tick by and in the end, my spreadsheets would sit on my screen with all the yellow highlights of what needed to be filled in.

Why did this very straightforward task seem like such a steep climb this year?  I recognized some simple logistical changes that could make the process a little easier, but it felt like there was something more to this resistance.  After some deeper inner reflection, I realized that once everything is cleared off my plate for 2022, it means looking ahead to what’s next and this year in particular feels like a big a mystery.      

I’m usually pretty clear on my yearly goals and plans by the beginning of February, but this year feels a little like putting on new shoes that haven’t been broken in enough.  I’m not sure how far or what direction I can go in them just yet and that’s okay.  In asking my resistance to reveal to me what’s going on, I could then lean into it with some loving care and compassion. 

While reflecting, I was also reminded that some of the most magical things in my life have transpired from this neutral zone of not knowing what’s next but being completely open and present, trusting that clarity will come through in divine timing.

Once I could acknowledge all of this, I was able to gather the energetic momentum to not only conquer this task, but I got it done sooner than I usually do. 

For me, the month of March is all about resistance.  Spring and winter are doing a back-and-forth dance.  Some days the hope of spring is front and center and other days, the cold, bitter wind kicks up to make it feel like January all over again.    

Transitions can be deeply challenging, even when they involve changes that bring us joy. We’re investing our time and energy into something new that can feel different, unfamiliar or maybe even awkward and so our inner resistance kicks in. 

Resistance itself isn’t a bad thing though. It’s what we do with our resistance that either builds power or diminishes it. As a seed buried in the safety of the earth prepares to break open and transform into a plant, resistance is needed in order for it to take root and grow.  As much as a flower reaches for the sun, it must also reach deep into the earth for stability.

When working with inner resistance as an energetic companion, you become empowered to release any shame around self-sabotage.  In turn, resistance can become an objective gauge for pacing your energy and expectations for what can and can’t be accomplished. 

Resistance can reveal a tremendous amount of wisdom when you develop a healthy relationship with it.  The question to ask is why the resistance is there in the first place.  What purpose is it serving? 

Is the resistance acting out on behalf of your inner saboteur that doesn’t feel safe with change, even if that change can lead to some juicy new growth in an area of your life?

If so, then give that part of you some love and ask what it needs to feel safe.

Is the resistance due to a lack of clarity or having a game plan organized? 

Sometimes resistance is simply due to not having a system in place to get something done, whether it’s a simple to-do list or mapping out a more intricate plan. The process of planning is sometimes the best antidote to the kind of resistance that is perpetuated by not knowing what to do next.

Is the resistance an intuitive red flag, revealing that you’re embarking on something that’s just not right for you?

Sometimes resistance is actually a message of wisdom coming from your higher self, telling you that the situation you’re struggling with ultimately isn’t for your highest good and it’s time to let it go.

Is the resistance pointing to an obstacle that feels too overwhelming to conquer?

Sometimes obstacles can appear too big to overcome and what you really need is to find the path of least resistance to discover a way around instead of pushing through.

Inner resistance can be a gift when we befriend it and get curious around what it’s trying to reveal. 

It helps us to overcome our fears. 

It assists in healing any shame around what we haven’t been able to accomplish on our own.

It brings forth clarity when old patterning prolongs a state of confusion and uncertainty.

It reveals where we can create more stability for new growth in our lives.

As for me, 2023 looks like it could turn into a bit of a magical mystery ride.  And if resistance decides to join me during any leg of the journey, I can trust it to reveal something new about myself and still lean into each juicy moment with joy and gratitude.