Wednesday, February 6, 2019

3 Reasons to Love Where You are Now

In speaking with friends, clients and students over the past several weeks, many have expressed being disappointed with what didn’t get accomplished in 2018.  In listening I’ve noticed one common thread and that is a lack of recognition for what did get accomplished.  While maybe goals weren’t met exactly as planned, the progress people made was in actuality quite significant.  

And, no one seems to be celebrating. . .

Living and working in a culture that’s hyper focused on results leaves little room for enjoying the present moment.  Instead, this underlying feeling of dread if goals aren’t met seems to permeate everything. 

Why is it important to love where you are even if it’s not exactly where you want to be?

1.  Loving where you are opens you to new possibilities.

Loving where you are frees your mind and energy to experience all that is possible in the present moment.  When you’re using up your mental and emotional energy to beat yourself up over going off your diet during the holidays or not making progress on that creative project, your whole being starts to constrict and you limit the possibilities of what you can do in the here and now.  When you are fully in the present and loving all that is good about it, you create an energetic spaciousness to welcome new opportunities, experiences and resources you hadn’t thought of before.  Each day, each moment even, is a clean slate to approach something differently.  When you remember that, then you are free to take your goals in a new direction and with renewed inspiration. 

2.  Loving where you are restores value to your time and energy.

Loving where you are now also reminds you that you are enough and you are worthy just as you are in this very moment.  And, when you own it, you realize you don’t have to do anything to feel worthy.  One of the biggest issues people talk about is that they have too much to do or they overbook their schedules.  That’ been me for the better part of my life.  And while I still keep a very busy schedule, I’ve learned to negotiate my priorities and how I spend my time and energy.  I’ve also learned for myself that I need to build unstructured time into my schedule so I can accomplish things at my own pacing and enjoy the process, and to guard that time on my calendar more than anything else. 

One of the questions I ask myself when I feel like life is getting filled with too much busyness is, “Am I doing all of this to feel good enough?” or “Is this action truly necessary and vital to what I am accomplishing?”  It’s so easy to fill the to-do list but ask yourself if you’re doing these things to please your inner perfectionist and/or to please others instead of yourself.  The more you ask these questions, the more delighted you’ll be to cross things off the to-do list before they even get started.  The gift in all of that is taking back your time and energy for what is truly important to you. 

When you are loving where you are now, even the mundane but necessary things you take care of don’t feel as dreadful.  Everything is done with intention and purpose and in alignment with your values. 

3.  Loving where you are makes life more fun!

Loving where you are makes life less stressful and more fun and pleasurable.  Living in the present diminishes the stress and anxiety that arises when you dwell on what you haven’t accomplished.  In turn you discover there is much more to enjoy than there is to worry about.  Consistently experiencing joy and ease in your day-to-day will not only replenish your energy and focus to accomplish what you desire the most but will increase your creativity and imagination for what is possible at any given moment, seeing beyond the limitations of where you think you should be.

My Reiki practice reminds me each day to return to the present whenever I find myself stressed out or worried about not getting something done.  As I return to center, I not only find myself being more productive but find life to be so much more satisfying.

Do you have goals leftover from 2018 that you want to complete this year?

If so, take a moment to breathe deeply and become aware of the present moment.  What are you feeling, seeing, smelling and hearing in the space you’re in right now.  Take another deep breath into your heart center and say to yourself you are enough just as you are right now. 

In fact, you are more than enough!  You have everything you need within you to accomplish what you want.

Now ask yourself why it’s important for you to complete this goal and how will you feel when you achieve it?

Place your hands on your heart and anchor that feeling into your body.  From that felt place, ask yourself what next step, big or small, can you take to get closer to your goal?  Commit to just that one next step and when you accomplish it, remember to CELEBRATE!

CELEBRATE showing up for yourself.

CELEBRATE the satisfaction of accomplishing something.


When you celebrate, you’ll be inspired to take the next step toward your goal and beyond. 

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