Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Restoring Balance

Photo by Oliver Hihn - @mr_kuchen

My brother recently asked me if I remembered the first two movies we ever watched as kids on our VHS player.  We had a good laugh over some of the Eddie Murphy movies and reminisced about the Star Wars trilogy.  Growing up in the ‘80s, Friday nights in my household had a ritual that we looked forward to.  My Mom would make pizza and brownies from scratch, and we would either watch a movie or play a board game.  I remember those Fridays being some of our happiest moments.  It was time set aside for us to be together and find our balance as a family unit once again.

When the spring or fall equinox approaches, I tend to contemplate where I need to restore balance in my life.  Six months ago, my usual spring cleaning evolved into a take-no-prisoners purge to help my daily routine flow with more ease.  Taking old clothes to the textile recycling and handing off books to friends who would enjoy them was blissful!  During the process I recognized a need to also reprioritize where and how I spend my time and energy in the day-to-day. 

It’s easy to mindlessly go through the motions of daily rituals and habits.  Yet, these moments throughout the day are opportunities to come back to center, even if for just a few moments.  And, because your needs change and evolve over time, so should your daily rituals.  For example, I recently returned to morning journaling.  In turn, I’ve stopped turning on the news first thing which has helped support my mindset for the rest of the day. 

Making small but mindful shifts in your daily routine not only nourishes and replenishes your energy, but it brings your whole being back to center.  With each cycle of your day, week, month and year there is a shift in gears, and how you align your energy with intention during those transitions informs the next cycle you are entering. 

I spent decades of my life rushing from one activity to the next without considering my energetic presence or clarity of intention.  I look back and realize how much harder life was for me back then.  My personal Reiki practice has taught me that the energy and mindset I bring to any given moment is far more powerful than the actual effort I apply. 

Life rarely stays in balance for very long and isn’t necessarily meant to remain in balance.  Otherwise nothing would evolve or progress.  However, the small habits and rituals that frame your day, week or year help you return to center whenever you need to.  While at times you may find your limits being stretched to accomplish something, are you in turn taking moments to rest, regroup and refocus?  I’m hearing more and more workout experts explain that it’s in the resting that your body builds its strength and stamina, not the workout itself. 

I’ve observed over the years the potential for people to either get so caught up in maintaining balance that they miss out on new opportunities or get so carried away by what they “have” to do that they forget to rest.  Either way, one’s energy, health, wellbeing and sense of happiness are at risk. 

This year, my daily rituals have been shifting seasonally which has felt great.  It’s created clarity and restored my energy and focus.  It’s also helped me become even more present for myself and others.

I invite you to reflect on where you desire more balance in your life.  What areas seem stagnant and what areas are overwhelming or need to simmer down?

And what new habits or rituals would help restore that balance?

When one area of your life finds its balance, it can’t help but restore balance in other areas of your life.  The purge I did this past spring not only spruced up my home, but it refocused my personal energy. 

Ultimately everything is in constant motion, so being in balance is a subjective measure.  However, when life gets out of balance for too long, you eventually experience the consequences.  As summer winds down and the last third of the year gears up with school, work and other responsibilities, allow the fall equinox to inspire you to create new habits or rituals that will restore and maintain the balance you need to thrive in the day-to-day.

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