Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Rituals Big and Small

This past weekend I had the honor of standing by one of my Reiki sisters during the initiation ceremony of her shamanic name.  Witnessing this beautiful ritual held for her and the other shamanic practitioners was truly magical.  As it was held outdoors, nature also participated with a gorgeous butterfly appearing as the ceremony got underway, and bumble bees landing on people’s shoulders throughout as if they were soaking in the energy of this sacred gathering. 

Rituals like this are specially planned to both ignite and celebrate the energy around someone transitioning into a new phase of life.  From graduations and weddings to baptisms and funerals, ceremony has been used to honor the different stages of life since the beginning of humanity. 

In between these pivotal moments, though, are the smaller rituals we practice on a daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonal basis that anchor the bigger picture into our lives.  The morning cup of coffee, workout, or meditation is a daily ritual that can set the right tone for one’s day.  For others spending time with their children or pets when coming home becomes a ritual for letting go of their day at work. 

Whether they are daily practices or momentous ceremonies, rituals create space for us to acknowledge the sacredness of life, and return to the heart of what is most important to us.  They reinforce our intentions while simultaneously helping us to surrender our attachments to the outcome.  They help us to align with our most authentic nature and mindfully approach each day fully awake to the energy we want to activate. 

When we consistently show up to our daily rituals, there comes a point when we start to feel “in the flow” of co-creation with the Universe.  Working with ritual for manifestation is more than having positive thoughts and sending out wishes into the Universe.  It’s about being in the felt sense and mindset of how we want to be and what we want to create, while allowing for all the unknown components we are unable to see or understand to align for our highest good. 

What are your daily, weekly, and seasonal rituals?  How do you show up for them?  Do you savor them, or do you often find your focus somewhere else?  I invite you to take inventory of your daily routine and reflect on the consciousness you bring to each activity.  When you start your day with a specific action, does it reinforce a certain level of productivity and focus that you otherwise wouldn’t experience?  Do you start feeling as though you have plenty of time to get everything done?  Do your interactions with others go more smoothly?  The time we allow for this doesn’t have to be long.  Even a 5-minute daily ritual carried out with clarity and consistency will affect sustainable change for the better. 

While the big vision is important, the real power for transformation lies in consistently showing up each day with clear intention.  Mindfully engaging in the activities that frame your days, weeks, and seasons is one of the most effective tools for staying true to the higher vision for who you want to be in this world.  

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