Friday, January 14, 2022

Preparing for a Re-BEarth

When I was in college, my roommates and I had a tiny black and white TV and on Saturdays we would gather around it to watch The Golden Girls.  We would laugh so hard!  Sometimes my friends would tease me and compare me to Rose, played by the late Betty White, which I didn’t appreciate at the time, but now I find it quite endearing.  Those who have known me for decades know that I can see things from a lighter or even sillier perspective than most and yet be dead serious at the same time. 

This Monday happens to be Betty’s 100th birthday and it’s quite poetic that we also have the first full moon of 2022 arriving that same day in the sign of Cancer.  The cosmos is opening doors for us to connect with several different archetypal patterns starting with the Divine Mother.  The moon which represents the mother archetype also happens to rule the sign of Cancer, creating a beautiful flow of energy to nurture what is ready to be Re-BEarthed in your life. 

We all carry the Divine Mother within us.  It’s the energy that encourages kindness, love and care for yourself and others.  I can’t think of a better way to shine a light on the mother archetype than by celebrating the life of Betty White.  While she didn’t become a mother herself, she mothered the world at large with her loving kindness, and the sweet joys of life that she shared with others.  She showed the world how you can be both kind and fierce. 

The full moon in Cancer always opposes the Sun in Capricorn which represents the Divine Father and so when the full moon rises around this time each year, you can call on the mother and father archetypes to marinate in the supportive energies that will help create something new.  This could be a new sense of healing and wholeness, something you are wanting to manifest, a new way of being of service to the greater whole, or simply a new pattern of relating to yourself and others. 

We have also just entered a new and powerful Mercury Retrograde cycle that moves backwards from Aquarius into Capricorn.  Aquarius is the visionary while Capricorn is the cosmic CEO that makes sure the vision becomes reality.  This is a wonderful time to reflect on your higher vision and how you can align your daily actions with what is truly important to you.  And at the same time, ask how this contributes to the Re-BEarthing of the planet as a whole.  Capricorn reminds us that in taking the baby steps with focus and patience, we do indeed get to the top of the mountain.  If you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the world’s problems, remember that each small but positive action contributes to the collective and over time makes a bigger difference than any of us can imagine. 

Every winter this dance between the sun and moon creates the setup phase to support and prepare for the generation of new life come springtime.  However, I foresee 2022 having an overarching theme of connecting with the Divine Mother throughout the year to heal and restore our energy and to discover how we will be giving BEarth to a new world in the coming years.  It’s natural for us to want to jump ahead and make plans for when the worst of this pandemic is over, but before we can move on, the collective needs time to recover, heal and connect with its higher values once again which will naturally guide us towards a clearer vision.

The human psyche loves to celebrate the new but when we equally embrace the stages of life that call on us to slow down to heal and recover, our experience of the new is that much more fulfilling. 

How can you answer to your own personal needs for healing and recovery?

How can you in turn encourage others to do the same in their own unique way?

There is no right answer here.  It’s an invitation to listen unconditionally to yourself and others, just like a mother listens to the needs of her children.

(Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash)


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