Friday, February 28, 2025

The Dress Rehearsal Zone

When I look back on my years as a performer, the ultimate for me was to be dancing on stage.  The energy exchange with the audience was exhilarating because it was the moment when I could let go of perfecting the details of the choreography and just surrender to the joy of the moment. 

There was a depth of faith in myself and everyone else on the stage and a certainty that it would all be okay, even if something went wrong, because no matter what, the show had to keep going. 

I would experience a fluidity within myself that I didn’t during auditions or rehearsals. 

Before a performance, however, there’s a dress rehearsal.  This is the zone where the logistics of the performance space are worked out, but it’s also when the focus shifts from the technique of the dance to channeling the spirit of the choreography and music.

This was the zone where I could release my perfectionist and shed my fears and worries over what could go wrong and instead allow excited anticipation to take over.

The annual new moon in Pisces this week comes around just like a dress rehearsal. 

It is the zone just before mother nature comes alive in the spring to express her own beauty like a work of art.

This year we also have an unusual parade of planets in the sky with many of them in Pisces, amplifying the wonder and awe that the mysteries of life inspire within us.

Pisces reminds us that there is a “co” in co-creation.

When we remember that healing and growth don’t happen by personal will alone, we can call upon support from the divine or higher dimensions of life in whatever way is meaningful to our individual beliefs.

The archetype of Pisces invites us to explore both our uncertainty and our blind spots.

Where is fear and worry holding you back?

Where is your resistance to the challenges you face?

Where might your clarity and wisdom get clouded by the illusions of tribal thinking?

How can you release those fears, challenges and confusion to discover a more neutral perspective around them?

When we ask for clarity and support, the synchronicities that follow can be quite wondrous, just as we witness the magic of what happens to a seed when it receives the nourishment it needs to grow and bloom.

Just as dress rehearsals were a threshold through which I could step into a dimension that amplified my joy and passion for dance, these final weeks of winter are the threshold through which our inner being can flow with the energies of nature and find inspiration.

Whether you’re experiencing a challenging time this year or on a path of achieving certain goals, this is a great time to recommit to your healing and growth, remembering that when personal will and divine will are in full collaboration, clarity, courage, wisdom and inspiration emerge to allow for the show of life to go on.

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