Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Messages from an Angel in Training

One and a half years after my maternal grandmother passed away, I had the most amazing reading with an intuitive healer named Emily Blank.  As soon as she started the reading, Emily said there were a lot of guides on the other side wanting to connect with me, but one particular guide was being very loud and vocal and announced herself as my grandmother. 

As Emily received her messages for me, one funny thing Nanny shared was that she is now an “angel in training” but she doesn’t “get a certificate like I did with Reiki”. 

The funny thing is that Nanny has appeared to a few of my more intuitive friends over the years.  A friend called me up one day and said she appeared in a dream and announced herself as my grandmother.  Another woman who is naturally psychic (but not a professional psychic) called me and asked if I had a grandmother on the other side.  I’d only met the woman once and she said that Nanny showed up, announced who she was and proceeded to follow her around all day.  She shared uplifting messages that included details this woman would have never known, like the type of perfume she kept on her dresser. 

While I don’t necessarily need other people to receive messages from Nanny, the way she is pushy with others and eager to get her messages across makes me laugh. 

Shortly after my reading with Emily, I started seeing the number 919 everywhere and finally one day I realized this was Nanny’s birthday - September 19th – and she was letting me know that when I see this number, she’s connecting with me.  It isn’t just when I look at the clock that I see 919.  The number will pop up on a store receipt or street number, in a sequence while I’m working, or just about anywhere numbers are involved. 

Initially, 919 would appear after I’d had a tough day and it was her way of soothing me.  I would feel a warmth come over me, like she was giving me a hug. 

However, over time, I started paying more attention to what I was thinking, feeling, and engaged in when the number appeared.  I’d check in and sure enough, she’d be highlighting a thought or situation.  I’ll also sometimes ask her what she’s trying to tell me, and the messages get clearer and clearer.  Sometimes it’s a reminder that I haven’t spoken to my mother in a while.  Other times there’s a message that gives me clarity on a situation.  Then there are times when she’s just saying hello. 

In the early days of the Ukraine war, the number 919 was coming up multiple times a day like I’d never experienced before.  One night, I looked at my phone just before lighting a candle to pray and meditate, and sure enough it was 9:19.  As I settled in and got deeper into the meditation, Nanny showed me an army of angels surrounding planet earth and pouring a powerful white light over Ukraine.  She understands how much grief and fear I experience when learning of human atrocities.  She reminded me to tend to my own light to assist the angels in doing their work.

Unless it’s not a person’s time to die, Angels don’t intervene until humans ask for their assistance.  Over the past month, as I continue to send light not only to Ukraine, but the world as a whole, I ask for assistance from the angels in channeling light to these dark dimensions that cause human suffering.  Light doesn’t always dispel darkness, but it can bind the dark so it can’t spread.  It also highlights the truth of a situation to inspire people to help others. 

The first time I ever personally experienced the presence of an angel intervention was over 20 years ago when a loved one was in physical danger.  I was sound asleep when I felt a hand grab me by the collar and pull me out of bed.  Still half asleep, I barely felt like I was in my body as I picked up the phone, without knowing why, and made the call that intervened and eventually lead to this person’s safety.

Angels are everywhere and I love it most when they show up in my healing sessions.  They are beings of light carrying messages from the divine and the more we open our hearts to them, the more they can assist us.  As I mentioned, they will intervene when it’s not your time to die, like in the case of my loved one.  They will also support those who are dying to make their transition as peaceful as possible.  But they will also show up to connect in fun and playful ways if we’re open to having a joyful interaction with them. 

Students who study Reiki with me will often ask why they are suddenly seeing the same number sequences everywhere such as 1111 or 222.  They want to know what it all means.  I advise them to pay attention to what they are thinking and feeling when the number sequence appears.  Just as we build friendships and professional relationships over time, when we consistently invite them to join us on this earthly adventure called life, we can develop deeper connections with the angels.

Angels are often misfits who love to be playful in their interactions.  In the final years of my grandmother’s life, her personality became much more playful and mischievous.  For her friend’s 90th birthday party, she stayed out until 3 am like she was a teenager.  Her jokes were sassier as well.  At her 88th birthday party she asked when the stripper was arriving.  We were shocked because Nanny was always much more reserved.  I can’t help but wonder if her training to become an angel hadn’t already started in her final years of life. 

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