On the afternoon of November 5th last year, I began
facilitating a distance Reiki healing for a friend and longtime member of the
Reiki community here in NYC. A few days
prior, David informed me he had COVID and was struggling with a high
fever. As I started the healing session,
something felt off and the energy wasn’t flowing like it usually does. Instead, I felt his presence with me in the
room alongside our Reiki teacher, the late Margaret Ann Case. A vision of him smiling and feeling free kept
showing up in my mind.
I immediately contracted inside and told myself this was
just fear getting in the way and continued to facilitate the Reiki as best as I
could. When I reach out to David afterwards
to check in with him, he didn’t pick up the phone. In the weeks that followed, my calls and texts
went unanswered and so I told myself he must be in the hospital getting the
care he needed.
As the holidays grew closer and his phone was disconnected,
the reality set in and I began looking online to see if I could track down a
possible family member.
It turns out David had just transitioned to the other side
of life when I was transmitting the distance Reiki. My soul knew the truth and was trying to inform
me, but I wasn’t ready to receive the sad news.
David was a quiet soul and person of few words when he
joined us at the Reiki Circles. However,
receiving Reiki from him was a powerful experience because those were the
moments when he allowed his soul to fully shine through without
hesitation. As I shared the news of his
passing in early January, people would reach out and say, “Do you mean that
David who had the hottest hands in the room?
What a wonderful experience!”
Grieving the loss of a fellow traveler on the Reiki journey
is never easy. David was there from the beginning
of my journey and we’ll continue to share it together but in a different
way. When I think of him, there is a beautiful
sense of joy, love and freedom and it brings me so much peace in knowing this.
This experience was a clear reminder that the soul always
knows the truth and eventually, when we’re ready, that truth will be revealed.
The energies around the full moon in Leo this week are
extending a celestial invitation to create space for soul to reveal its truth
with clarity. Leo is all about
uninhibited self-expression and allowing your true light to shine. This regal archetypal energy honors and takes
joy in the unique unfolding of your higher self.
The great lion is seeded in all of us and, through the
luminous light of this full moon, it is giving you permission to shine and be
seen in whatever way that feels perfect for you.
For David, one of the ways his light shined the brightest was
when he facilitated in the flow of Reiki.
In what aspects of life does your soul long to illuminate
its light the most? Check in with
yourself this week and ask.
With hopefully the last stretch of this chaos cycle winding
down, now is a great time to contemplate where your soul most desires to shine on
as we emerge.
Soul never lies. Even
if you don’t understand the answers right away, trust that the truth will
become crystal clear when you are ready.
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