Tuesday, June 9, 2020

What is the Past Asking of the Present?

After the full moon last weekend, I decided it was time to do some energetic releasing and begin exploring how to best direct my energy in the coming months.  While spring cleaning a few weeks ago, I opened a small box in my meditation corner that contained these little acorns gifted to me almost 15 years ago by three children at the laundromat.  I wrote my first blog about this experience which can be read here: Little Acorns. 

I kept these acorns as a reminder of how growing into your full potential requires a breaking open and shedding of different layers of your identity.  When I found these acorns while cleaning, I reflected on where I was 15 years ago and how these children who are now young adults must be experiencing the world. 

On Saturday I decided to release the acorns in the park where they originated as a signal to the universe that I am ready for the much-needed inner work at this time.  As soon as I walked away, a squirrel came over and started stuffing them in his mouth.  I now call him my shaman squirrel as he generously volunteered to ensure these acorns would be “transformed and released” so I can be free to dream a new world into reality for myself and the collective. 

What we are experiencing in the present – the uprising that’s crying out for change, the pandemic that has sent us into isolation for 3 months or more, the uncertainty for the future – is an accumulation of our past that reaches far back to long before we were even born. 

Chaos cycles like the one 2020 has presented, are opportunities to reclaim lost power as we make whole with the past. 

The present is always a result of the past and how we deal with the past in the present is how we shape our future. 

The question to ask is what aspects of the past are saying “Enough already!” and screaming out for change? 

What old patterning is ready to shift and take on new energy, passion, creativity, and momentum?  And in what areas of your life?

The weekend of June 20th and 21st will be one of the energetic highlights of 2020 with the Summer Solstice and New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer meeting each other.  The peak energy of the sun will be present to charge the seeds of intention planted with the New Moon.  However, the energetic potential held within these intentions is meant to carry us through to the end of the year and into 2021.  We’re in it for the long haul but just imagine the power that can be reclaimed during these next six months!

The energy of the sun reflects the fire in one’s spirit, inspiring action and providing the passion, courage and motivation needed to transform old patterns that are no longer useful.  The energy of the moon reflects the expression of one’s soul, providing wisdom, fluidity, and receptivity to change and transformation. 

On the Summer Solstice 15 years ago, I received my Reiki master attunement with four other beautiful and amazing women.  At that moment, our lives changed forever as we claimed our power to help ourselves and the world experience wholeness.  As I initiate my own Reiki master students on the Summer Solstice this year, the power rooted in the journey they’ve taken to get here is ready to be claimed and at a time when this healing work is needed more than ever.

Wherever you find yourself the weekend of June 20th and 21st, take a moment and reflect on the power you are ready to claim and how you want to nurture it in the coming months.  With chaos, comes clarity and with clarity comes inspired action.  Just ask the sun and the moon as they meet at this powerful time of the year. 

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