Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Igniting the Spirit of 2018

As we step through the doorway to this new year, what keeps coming to mind more than setting goals and resolutions is the question of what you want to feel and experience in 2018.  The goals, wishes and resolutions will always be there.  As humans we are wired to have desires as we experience the contrasts of living in a three-dimensional world.  We are also biologically wired to focus more of our attention on what isn’t “right” in our lives than the positive anticipation of what we are creating, shifting into, and changing for ourselves and the world.  For example, if you decided to eat healthier in 2018 is it because the doctor said to or because you want to feel more energized and focused?  If you want to save more money, is it because you feel financially insecure or because you to feel more appreciation for what you already have?  If you are seeking a life partner, is it because you feel alone or because you have love you want to share and experience more deeply?  For each of these questions, the answer could be both.  However, choosing the latter will shift you into the vibration that aligns and fully supports you in the process.

In some instances, the changes we desire call for immediate and full on transformation to activate the sustainable momentum one needs.  I find in many cases though, the changes and goals we desire are more lasting when we take the pressure off and create space to enjoy the process along the way.  For some people, jumping with both feet in is the way to go, but for many, that can be a shock to the system and back fire.  So perhaps instead of jumping into yoga class at 6 am every day when you aren’t a morning person to begin with, you try one class a week after work or on the weekends.  And then after a couple of weeks, you attend two classes.  And then, maybe that fun dance class on Friday evenings makes its way into your weekly routine.  It becomes fun and fluid instead of a shock to your mind, body and spirit which in turn has you giving up on week 2.

Putting more emphasis on the results when deciding to make a change will only lead to a sense of failure each step of the way.  When you focus on what feels good and make a little more room for it each day, then it becomes a full and satisfying experience. 

What is the energy you want to ignite for yourself in 2018?

And in turn, what is that focused energy asking of you?

Is it asking you to surrender certain attachments?  Jump all in with passion and momentum?  Move forward but with ease so you don’t feel overwhelmed? 

And in turn, how does this energy contribute to the shifting of the greater consciousness of the world?  As you feel healthier and more focused, do you have more energy to be present for loved ones and your community?  As you become more financially prosperous, are you inspired to contribute to a cause you believe in?  As you release attachments to certain things, are you finding ways to give them to people who could use them?

The middle of winter, even in warmer climates, gifts us a time to journey within and reflect on the spirit and energy that longs to emerge with the growing sunlight over the next six months.  Now is the time to anchor it in and ignite its qualities from within.  When we take just a few minutes each day to remind ourselves of what we want to feel and experience, then each breath, each action, each small step will unfold with ease, joy, and mindful awareness.

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