Wednesday, August 19, 2020

If you had one superpower what would it be?

A few weeks ago, I was cleaning out some papers and came across notes from a one-day workshop I attended almost 4 years ago.  

On one of the pages there was a question: If you had one superpower, what would it be? 

I scribbled: To Open Hearts!

I smiled at myself and reflected on what those words mean to me now.  A huge part of my Reiki journey has been about opening my heart to self-love and in turn being a source of compassion and healing for others.  Beyond that, though, I knew there is a reason this question was being revisited at this time.

After that workshop, I attended a weekend retreat with the same facilitator where she asked us to write a letter from our future selves.  As I began to write, I felt a presence from across the room and a wave of energy crack my heart open to release a flood of emotions.  As I looked up, I saw a bright emerald green light emanating from my future self’s heart chakra.  In looking back, I realize this was a form of self-healing transcending time. 

About a year and a half later, while teaching my Journeying Between Worlds class, I partnered with a student to go on a shamanic journey.  When she journeyed to return with an answer to my question, she described being led into my heart chakra and that it was emerald green, just like the Land of Oz! I never told her about my previous healing experience.

I immediately knew my higher self was reminding me of that moment as an acknowledgment of how far I had come in my growth. 

When you are open in the heart chakra, time stands still, allowing you to be in a space of love and acceptance for yourself and others.  

There is no anger or grief over the past or fear over the future.  There is just meeting the moment unconditionally and in a state of trust that everything you need is already within you. 

This year has been incredibly challenging, scary, overwhelming, and full of grief over the loss of loved ones.  It can be hard to remain open-hearted when your whole being is aching from the emotional impact and yet, being open-hearted and unconditional with yourself is how the path to healing begins.

When the heart is ready to open and begin the healing process, the fear, anger, and grief that arise are meant to be honored, not shaken off, “gotten rid of” or pushed away.  Grief means that you deeply loved another and its energy is there to help you remember that love.  Anger, fear, and anxiety are trying to keep you safe, so speaking to these emotions with love will help you remember that you are in charge and can override those emotional patterns at any given moment to restore a sense of wholeness. 

To me the heart chakra is like the center of the infinity symbol.  What rises and settles must come through the heart and if the heart is open and accepting of what is, the energy of life flows with ease and synchronizes with the world around you.

There is so much uncertainty for the world as a whole and very few are getting out of 2020 unaffected.  Yet I hear so many people share how grateful they are for what they do have. 

If you had one superpower to help you and others heal at this time, what would it be? 

The Leo new moon this week is a celestial invitation to give birth to that power and embody the energies that can best serve you and others to meet their challenges.  Leo’s archetypal patterning supports you in expressing your power in creative, playful, and passionate ways.  This is a time for the flow of the energies and emotions you’re experiencing to inspire you to explore and discover a higher perspective and wisdom ready to be expressed.

My Reiki teacher used to always remind me that everything I need is already within me to claim my power and innate ability to heal.  What does the power you currently need look and feel like to you?