When Julie, my Reiki master graduate, invited me, my inner child jumped up and down and said, “I don’t care how busy you are, we need to go!” When I was a young child, my parents cared for and housed horses, and dancing was my movement of choice, so this was the ultimate invitation for my child self to have some fun.
When we arrived at the farm that afternoon, I immediately felt the energy and magic of this little oasis. The four horses that reside there assist in the transmission of healing energy during Reiki Circles and other workshops that involve movement, drumming and meditation.
The first part of the workshop was a session of 5 Rhythms Dance to warm up and get into the flow of the energy before the horses were ready to join us. It was so delicious for my mind, body and spirit to be moving to these different rhythms under the trees and on the soft earth of the farm.
Paddington, a fun-loving miniature horse, came out first. He was more than happy to receive our adoring attention. However, when Mere decided to join us, something in me shifted and I immediately knew I wanted to dance with her. At first Mere determined the space where she wanted to interact with us. She was setting very clear boundaries.
Then we took turns, dancing with her one at a time. Mere is a tall white horse with a strong stance but welcoming personality. As I began to move around her and feel into her energy, I felt her sensing mine as well. Then there was the moment I realized it was safe for me to let go and allow spirit to lead me in the dance. I felt my whole being surrender to the flow of energy and as I looked up at her, I could see joy in her eyes while moving with me.

No matter your relationship with your own human mother, no matter what needs may or may not have been met by her, the Divine Mother is all around us. When we connect with nature, her essence can be especially felt. Whether you’re spending time with an animal companion, or simply hanging out among the trees and flowers, you will discover her nourishing presence.
I recently stumbled on a page in my journal from the day after I danced with Mere:
To allow what is, to open, to receive, to let rise within you what needs to rise.
To breathe in a moment with complete acceptance of all that is in this world without needing to change a thing.
And to move within that space of complete acceptance is a powerful place to be.In the presence of the Divine Mother you will always be accepted for who you are!