About 20 years ago, around this time of year, I was going
through my very first breakup with a boyfriend.
As many can relate, the first can often times be the hardest, and that was
definitely the case for me. However,
when I now look back on that time in my life, the heartache isn’t what I
remember as much as certain small details.
One such detail is that my ex would every winter wear a big blue jacket
with the GIANTS logo across the back.
Once we broke up, all I kept seeing everywhere I went that winter were
guys wearing this jacket. It drove me
bananas! Having just moved to New York
City and juggling my catering jobs with dance classes, auditions and
rehearsals, I was running around the city and using the subway a lot. So whenever I dropped a token (yes, we had
tokens back then folks) into a subway turn stile, I was guaranteed it meant
there would be a spotting of some guy wearing that Giants coat. Little did I know back then I was getting a
big lesson in how co-creation and the law of attraction work. As I was focusing on the lack of this person
in my life, the universe was kindly bringing forth a visual cue to match my emotional
Fast forward twenty years and thank goodness I’m not
mourning the loss of a Giants, Sea Hawks or Broncos fan in my life, as I’d be
finding this week just a bit challenging. Instead, I’ve had the joy of actually
experiencing a much more playful lesson in the law of attraction. Over the holidays I had the pleasure of partaking
in a five day ritual in which I consciously invited the arch angels into my
home and meditated with them, asking any questions I’d like. That same week I also decided to read E-Square by Pam Grout which is the
latest bestselling book on the law attraction.
In this book, Pam has the reader ask the universe to present yellow
butterflies to them over the course of 48 hours. Now, this being the dead of winter, the inner
skeptic would immediately take over.
However, as soon as I finished reading that chapter, I looked up and
right in front of me, on my desk, was a birthday card I’d kept from one of my
closest friends and on it was a huge yellow butterfly with gold glitter on
it. Not even a minute had gone by and
the universe was responding. I couldn’t
stop giggling over this and told another friend of mine a few weeks later. He sent me this picture of a yellow butterfly
ornament he found while walking down the street saying “Now you have me
Between doing these exercises in Pam’s book and meditating
with the arch angels, winter brought forth a delightfully magical energy for me
this year, and it was great timing as we are clearly having one of the coldest
winters in, well, 20 years. The night
the angels arrived for the ritual that had been sent to me by a dear friend of
mine, they too were answering my questions almost immediately and in very
obvious and funny ways. When I ask
myself what has made these experiences so joyful and seemingly magical, I
realize that it is because I’ve taken pause to listen to spirit not with my
ears but with my heart. When we seek
spiritual guidance and support through prayer, meditation and ritual, the most
important part is to silence the mind and open the heart to what spirit is
expressing. Spirit does not communicate
to us through the linear mind. Spirit
speaks to us through the symbolic meaning we encounter in our daily lives, holding
up a metaphorical mirror to reflect our inner state, for that is ultimately where
our experience of reality is sourced.
Our job is to let go of our fear, understanding that at the essence of
everything there is only love, and when we align with that essence, the world ultimately
transforms into whatever we choose it to be.
So whether you are looking for a certain outcome
for your favorite team this weekend or you are simply seeking a little more brightness
and joy to get you through the second half of winter, take a moment to let go,
breathe in the loving presence of the divine and know that what you seek is
already there.